As with all pardox, the solution is a break with linear hierarchy, move past mono-ist and duelist thinking. once we include the trinity, add additional parameters, we develop systems thinking that shows that it's a dynamic system that proves greater than the sum of its parts.
To oz - Like the subject becoming an object and the object becoming a subject, this goes both ways when division is rife.
In other words, somebody may warn others, and then when that person is a warned that their warning applies to themselves, that person will most likely ignore this information having the cassandra effect applied to them.
In fact, this person will never listen to another person during this phase, because the reason why warners warn is that they believe they're in the right and in the know.
Round and around, it will go, and it will only stop when both parties drop their warning and embrace each other..
To Clay
To Clay Stablein - objective reality is simply the collective consensus of these near-random probabilistic tendencies of a plurality of subjective realities.
In fact this consensus has over 8 billion participants and counting.
The act of relying on one singular will, in terms of a Monachy, or imperialist mon-ism seems rather absurd
or in this case, a navieve act of the childish human tendency of control.
As with all pardox, the solution is a break with linear hierarchy, move past mono-ist and duelist thinking. once we include the trinity, add additional parameters, we develop systems thinking that shows that it's a dynamic system that proves greater than the sum of its parts.
Clay Stablein whether or not, there is true belief or false belief, the condition exists as a prior causal agent that influences the current effect, whether the "warning" is true/false or followed/not followed, the probability of all "conditioned states" exist, simultaneously - whether we are aware of them or not.
Then the question turn to:
How do we, en mass, become more aware or less aware of these alternative probabilistic outcomes?
Sophia's Roulette All true, and probably irrelevant from person to person. The conditioning is objective; the children being raised by these conditions will be conditioned.
And as we see in the present state of America, the backlash can be significant when attempts are made to insert too much equality, where the minority is raised up and treated like the majority and represented as if equal to the majority. They were forced upon us repeatedly. And the moral majority will revolt.
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